
Online Reputation Management (ORM)

Your reputation online is the number one thing that determines how your business is going to grow online . According to studies, the majority of consumers are willing to pay more for a product or service from a company with a bulletproof reputation online. What do you think about your reputation?

It doesn’t matter how big or small your business is, you need to take your online reputation seriously and establish your brand. We are here to help you do that.

We are here to safeguard your online reputation. Your company, organization or your public image is safe here.
Some things that our service involves:

Generation of new reviews                                                    Review marketing

Track your ROI                                                                      Search engine optimization

Monitoring of your reputation                                                Online reputation repair

Social media stats growth service

If you ignore your reputation online then be ready for rumors and misinformation about your brand to be out there for everyone to see. Choose to control your reputation and create a healthy image for your brand.

Is Your Business Represented Fairly Online?

Statistics show 9 out of 10 consumers read online reviews before making a purchase and nearly 62 percent will not buy from a company with bad business reviews. Furthermore, brands that receive only one or two stars on review platforms such as Yelp or Google risk losing 80 percent of their prospects.

Don’t let the negative or fake customer reviews to ruin your reputation. Use a reputation management service and watch your online image getting better every day.

We offer custom reputation management services tailored to your unique branding and goals. Ask for a free evaluation of your business and we will do a full check for your reputation online and get back to you with the best package for your needs.

Why Your Business Needs Online Reputation Management

Stay on Top of Your Brand Mentions and Search Results

Brand reputation management is critical to digital success. The internet is the first place people turn to when searching for information about a person, company, product or service – and a big portion of their online research involves browsing online reviews.

To ensure your business is accurately represented online, reputation monitoring and review management are crucial. Reputation management online allows you to:

Make Your Brand The No1 In Your Field

Users online are evaluating their options every minute. 9 out of 10 report that the reviews of a business is the no1 thing the look to decide what to purchase. The same happens with online travelers for booking, restaurants etc.etc. When you monitor your reputation on a weekly basis then you don’t leave your business a single chance to stay behind from the competition. We are here to position your 5 star reviews in front of your target audience.

Get More Positive Reviews

As said no one trust a brand without online reviews. What’s more, many said they have difficulty making a purchase when there are no reviews for the product they are looking for. A reputation manager ensures your business has a steady flow of verified online reviews to guide your customers’ buying process. We also use advanced reputation management software to build your review generation strategy and get honest online reviews from satisfied customers.

Increase Your Customer Lifetime Value

Selling to existing clients is 6-7 times cheaper compared to generating new customers. However it is very hard to keep existing customers happy for a long time. Brand reputation management offers a unique way to promote brand transparency and build trust with your clients. We showcase with many methods the positive reviews of your client to show the world the strong bond you have with them.

Attract The Best Employees

What is more important than your team? As such, you must ensure employee satisfaction is one of your top priorities. Internet reputation management allows you to measure employee engagement and experience and gather actionable insights to further improve your staff retention and acquisition strategies. To attract the right candidates and grow your team, you need to invest in a reputation management service focused on your holistic growth.

Improve Your Bottom Line

No matter if you own an eCommerce store, multi-location company or a brick-and-mortar business, you need web reputation management to protect your brand image and drum up new business. A Spiegel Research Center study found that online reviews increase conversions by 270 percent. Moreover, business reviews ramp up conversion rates of higher-priced products by up to 380 percent. With search engine reputation management, you can build better relationships with your prospects and maximize the multitude interaction channels to convert them into paying customers.

Boost Your SEO Efforts

SEO reputation management is an excellent way to create awareness about your brand, amplify customer voices online and boost your search rankings. According to Moz, online reviews make up 15 percent of Google Local Pack ranking factors. By learning how to get more reviews on Google and other review sites, you generate more user-generated content (UGC), which drives qualified traffic and conversions to your landing pages. The best reputation management companies integrate these UGCs to your Google My Business (GMB) profile and other marketing campaigns to showcase your brand’s trustworthiness and improve your click-through rates (CTRs) and Google rankings.

The Consequences of a Poor Reputation Online

You still thing that monitoring your reputation online is not so important?

All it takes is one dissatisfied customer to negatively impact your brand’s online reputation. Orders, bookings and subscriptions run the risk of being canceled if negative online reviews plague your online profiles. These can ripple through all your marketing efforts, affecting more than just your sales.

Additionally, a poor reputation management strategy can lead to:

Low search engine rankings                                                                            Less profit

Diminished trust                                                                                                Low customer engagement

Loss of revenue                                                                                                Damaged brand image

Increased marketing expenses                                                                        Reduced customer and employee retention rate

Your business’s online reputation is important, so make sure you are working with a reputation management company that is committed to making a difference. Ask for a free evaluation of your business and we will do a full check for your reputation online and get back to you with the best package for your needs